Zuzana Kraemerova wrote:
Wow, I've never heard of an eyelet plate before!!! I've found a video on in and it looks great! My sewing machine has a pre-programmed eyelet, but it's too small and weak. It seems only Pfaff and Husqvarna have these plates... does Janome have it, too??? I have a 6600P.

They were commonly available for older zig-zag machines. I've seen Elna eyelet plates (they're little clamp-on rectangles that cover the feed dogs), and I think for the older Singers. I would kill for the eyelet plate to match my Pfaff 332; it's really sophisticated.

The great thing about an eyelet plate is you use an awl to stretch a hole in your fabric, push the hole over the plate, and the eyelet stitching is just there to hold the eyelet open, not to provide structure. It's incredibly sturdy.

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