Thanks a lot!

I thought "Romantic era" was the English term for the German "Biedermeier" - sorry for the confusion. I am looking for 1830ies Superdandy-style, not the late 19th century officer-look. :-)

This morning, I have been browsing German corsetry links - so far, I learned that men are more sensitive to lacing over the stomach, which is why corsets for men tend to be less curvy in the front seams; and the panels are less curved but have parallel sections between the flared out top and bottom. Can you second that?

I´d be most interested in your photos, would you please send them to me?


At 11:09 09.06.2009, you wrote:
> I am asked to make experiments with a romantic era corset - for a man!
> So far I only found information in "Waisted Efforts", but I am sure
> there are other sources somewhere else. Any recommendations or things
> to consider when lacing a man?

I have been called upon to make a few of these in my time, both for fetish
clients (modified female and dressy male types) and for historical clients (mid-
late 1800s) as well as male girdles for wear under modern clothing.

Your question is pretty general for the moment: What do you mean by "romantic
era"? Generally, you need to decide the waist height for the period you are
looking at and ensure the tapering is suitable to get that look; I have made
them 12 panels around and 16 panels around, high-chest to just below the waist,
lacing to the back.

I could not find any patterns but was lucky enough to see one in a private
collection and have a few pics to go from...sorry to say, you are going to have
to drape with trial and error then devise your pattern from that!

If I can send you some of the pics offlist, let me know,


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