> I am aware that a lot of people love receiving little bits of info, I just
> generally find it insubstantial. And I know a lot of people love to
> socialize. I know a lot of people actually care what others are doing minute
> by minute. And I love technology, but this kind of thing is not for me.

I don't see your general dislike of blogs as a problem.  Some people
do other things than what blogs are good for.  No problem at all.

I have a Live Journal account somebody talked me into, and I never use
it.  Public diaries are not my thing, reading them or writing them.
And I don't document the construction of my historical costumes, I
just make them.  I just joined another online group on somebody's
recommendation (they were raving about it).  I spent a couple of hours
poking around their site and found only two things that interested me,
out of the tens of thousands of things on there.  I don't think I'll
spend much time there either.

Back to work.  I have a costumed event to go to Sunday, and have two
garments still to finish.

Carolyn Kayta Barrows
“The future is already here, it is just unevenly distributed.”   -William Gibson
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