Hi Melody,

yes, it´s similar, but you have only one scale for all measures and have to calculate that yourself. However, it´s a quick way to enlarge a pattern and causes me less pain than counting grids... :-)


At 11:38 27.08.2009, you wrote:
Hi Hanna,
Is the method of drafting your describing called "the lutterloh-system?".
I've seen this demo ed and it looks really easy.

Here's a web address to get you to their instructional video, it explains how to use the system.


I'd like to try this someday.

--- On Tue, 8/25/09, Hanna Zickermann <h.zickerm...@gmx.de> wrote:

From: Hanna Zickermann <h.zickerm...@gmx.de>
Subject: Re: [h-cost] HELP!
To: "Historical Costume" <h-cost...@indra.com>
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 2:16 PM


there´s a method called radial projection or something like that.

Get a rather large copy of the pattern you want to make and have the scale on the copy. Glue the copy on a large sheet of paper. Choose one point in a corner of the pattern piece and draw long lines from there through the "important points". One after another, multiply these distances with the factor you need to get the full-size scale and mark this new distance on the line. Connect all important points and you will get a full scale pattern. I find it hard to explain without a drawing how to do it, and my English is quite tired right now, but I hope you understand what I mean. It´s really easy and a lot faster than using a grid - which is a method where usually can´t count the boxes and end up with a really strange pattern piece...


At 10:42 25.08.2009, you wrote:
> Hello all, I am in need of some help from an experienced pattern enlarging bustle dress maker! I woud like to throw together my first bustle dress, or make for myself a bustle since my budget is not allowing any new acquirements. At one point before I got very enthusiastic about doing this, as I have many times, but got so overwhelmed before even starting due to facing the dred task of "grading" that it never came into fruition. I would try ordering a pattern from one of the many good sellers of period patterns, but I want something very specific, I don't have time to wait for one to arrive, and I can't afford to spend on one (especially since I spent so much for the three books new which have hundreds of patterns).
> The pieces given scare me in each scaled down pattern, because I know quite often, to acheive from the basic pieces the glorious ensemble presented in the illustrations, there is usually a good deal of improvising and use of skill the handy seamstress must utilize to do so!
> Here are my main questions.
> 1: How do I enlarge the tiny pieces in the book the simplest, quickest, or least math saavy way? > 2: Once I have the pieces enlarged and they are adjusted to my size and I'm ready to cut, how do I assemble a bustle skirt??
> These are NOT simple one or two sentence answers I know, but any guidance would be greatly appreciated right about now. I've used period patterns that I bought multi-sized and kinda had to play with those until they fit me the right away and could figure out basic construction but this seems so daunting having never done it before.
> Thank you so very much for the kind person who can help, and to all others for your patience:)
> Regards,
> Justine.
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