umm, as a former 4-H-er from back when rocks were soft ... it MIGHT be possible that the green horse barding was judged higher for reasons such as:

MAYBE the young lady in pink did her own machine sewing? MAYBE the two-part green body draping was more complicated? MAYBE the full-head fabric covering was a more complicated piece? MAYBE the respective horse's behavior, relative to the situation, was a factor? (maybe pink dress's horse put up well with a LOT more weirdness???)

The "Knight's" outfit is pretty spectacular, though, 8-)


I agree with Nancy; you were robbed! You gals did a great job. Tell your daughter she gets my vote, hands down!

Happy sewing,
  Deb Salisbury
  The Mantua-Maker
Designer and creator of quality historical sewing patterns, Renaissance to Victorian
  Now available:
Elephant's Breath and London Smoke: Historical Colors, Names, Definitions & Uses

the only costume sewing I've done this year is for my daughter's 4H costume.

She fit the costume and made the armor and accessories and cut out all the
silver fabric applique. I had to iron it on because she melted the first
one, and I sewed the seams just to save needles and/or a trip to the repair
shop. (she's a rather careless seamstress)

Sadly (for us), the girl behind her won the class

Denise B
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