On Aug 19, 2010, at 10:46 AM, Rickard, Patty wrote:

> Comments?
> Thanks,
> Ceit
> To: Marche of Alderford
> Subject: [Alderfolk] Fashion Crisis!
> OK my SCAdian family...I have a book by Tom Tierney on Celtic Fashions. What 
> I would like to know is how reputable is this source? What I am looking for 
> is Irish Celt in the 6th Century. I really like the style on the cover but 
> the illustration states "Frankish Celts, ca 450 B.C."
> PeaceDub Essa/Cliodhna

Offhand, the cover image looks like it was taken from one of those Victorian 
"costume of the ages" books.  But it's also worth noting that the concept of 
"ca. 450 BC Frankish Celts" is nonsensical (the Franks weren't around until 
much later than that and they weren't Celts).  Neither observation provides any 
level of confidence in the historicity of the illustrations.


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