I got two! copies of "High Style: Masterworks from the Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art"....a little lack of communication between family members. However, one of them was purchased 'at' the museum by a BIL who lives in NYC. So, he's returning it and getting me the OTHER Met book on my list, "100 Dresses".

Sort of costuming related - a new bathroom scale and a Wii system (getting Wii-fit soon), so I can start doing something about fitting back in to some of my older, worn-once-and-no-longer-fits costumes....plus a bunch of fiction books and a little kitchen stuff.

Pierre got drawing supplies and a new tarot deck (which we use for costume inspiration, not for divination), plus books, DVD's, and CD's.


International Costumers' Guild Archivist


"Those Who Fail to Learn History
Are Doomed to Repeat It;
Those Who Fail To Learn History Correctly -
Why They Are Simply Doomed."

"The Illusion of Historical Fact"
-- C. Y. 4971

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