I'm travelling right now, seeing costumes and dancing in all places, just
saw an amazing collection outside of Copenhagen. I'm planning to do less on
email groups when I get back and focus more on my blog and using it to keep
me honest and producing more reproductions and research. I find email groups
are taking up too much of my time and its easier to keep tabs on blogs and
facebook for now.
But then, I have three children also competing for my time, so I can't speak
for everyone.

On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 6:31 AM, Lavolta Press <f...@lavoltapress.com> wrote:

> >But I will agree that there is less going on with costumers in a variety
> of costuming mailing lists. I kinda miss that, but it seems with all the new
> technology out there, times change along with the various formats available
> to communicate with.
> Of course, blogs have been around for a long time. But, I typically see
> them used more as  form of journalism (one person posts regularly/provides
> most of the content, a few others briefly comment) rather than discussion.
> I'm really more interested in substantive information than "chat" or
> "belonging to a community."
> Fran
> Lavolta Press
> www.lavoltapress.com
> www.facebook.com/LavoltaPress
> ______________________________**_________________
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> h-costume@mail.indra.com
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