I joined in 2006, when I was looking for information and assistance making the 
first "Frobie suit" for my son to wear at Bristol. Up to that point he had been 
a yeoman and his garb was provided. 2006 was when he became Capt. Frobisher. 

I'm not sure, but I think it was recommended to Ansel by someone at Faire. I 
have learned a lot since then, but boy did I lean on you guys that first year!

Rebecca Burch
Center Valley Farm
Duncan Falls, Ohio, USA

The only twelve steps I'm interested in are the ones between the flat folds and 
the brocades.  --Anonymous Costumer--

--- On Mon, 8/8/11, penn...@costumegallery.com <penn...@costumegallery.com> 

> From: penn...@costumegallery.com <penn...@costumegallery.com>
> Subject: Re: [h-cost] Where is everyone hanging out these days?
> To: "'Historical Costume'" <h-cost...@indra.com>
> Date: Monday, August 8, 2011, 1:08 AM
> So here are the questions...how did
> you find the h-costume email list?  And
> what year did you join?  It will be really interesting
> how the newbies have
> found it. 
> I found it as one of two costume email lists in 1996 on
> AOL.
> Penny Ladnier, owner
> The Costume Gallery Websites
> www.costumegallery.com
> 15 websites of fashion, costume, and textile history
> FaceBook:
> http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Costume-Gallery-Websites/107498415961579
> _______________________________________________
> h-costume mailing list
> h-costume@mail.indra.com
> http://mail.indra.com/mailman/listinfo/h-costume

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