Are there no records of when the photo was taken?  Since his date of death
is known, maybe that would help answer the question.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Penny Ladnier
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 5:24 AM
To: 'Historical Costume'
Subject: Re: [h-cost] New Topic: Is this a Postmortem Photo

This photo was produced from my grandma's original cabinet card.  My mom had
a negative pulled from it in 1960.  I have another original cabinet card of
this same photo that was given to me by my grand aunt.  Mine has been broken
in half.  I have repaired it and back together with museum archival tape on
backside.  Both originals had a cross drawn in pen above my little Uncle
Herbert's head.  I will scan my original tomorrow.  I think you will be see
a little more in its original color.  

Also note that his two sisters have a little sprig of flowers in their
hands.  Herbert is holding only a small flower.

My grandma had lots of professional photos made of her children when they
were little.  There are baby/infant photos of all the children but Herbert.
Grandma gave all of her photos to my mom to copy and there is only this one
photo of Herbert.  

When my grand aunt gave me the other original photo, I asked why the cross
was drawn little Herbert's head.  She said, "This was his last photo, so
they drew a cross over his head."  Both photos have a penned ink cross drawn
above his head.  Has anyone else seen this drawn cross above a deceased
person's head before in a photo?   

FYI, my grandmother was pregnant when Herbert died.  Two days later, she
gave birth to another son.  She made sure there were lots of photos taken of
her new son. 

Below is little Herbert's might need a hankie for this...

In Memoriam: Herbert Clayton Dunlap

The Angel of Death has visited another home and taken from our midst a dear
little boy.

Little Herbert Clayton Dunlap, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. [Willshire] Dunlap,
died Sept. 15, 1912, after a brief illness of only a few days.  Herbert was
born March 23, 1909.  During his brief lifetime, little Herbert had endeared
himself to all those who knew him by his sweet sunny disposition.

We sympathize deeply with Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap in their sorrow.
The funeral was conducted by Rev. W.J. Nelson, pastor of the First Baptist
Church [Rock Hill, SC.]

We had a little treasure once,
He was our joy and pride.
We loved him, ah! perhaps too well.
For soon he slept and died,
All is dark within our dwelling,
Lonely our hearts today,
For the one we loved so dearly,
Has forever passed away. 

Penny Ladnier, Owner
The Costume Gallery Websites,

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Penny Ladnier
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 1:07 AM
To: 'Historical Costume'
Subject: [h-cost] New Topic: Is this a Postmortem Photo

I'll open a can of worms.  I have a photo of my Dad and his siblings from
1912 . The little boy in this front
is he postmortem or handicapped.  He passed away in 1912.  I have always
thought the belt around him was odd and being shoeless.  My Dad told me once
that his mother was very strict and would not allow them to go around
barefooted.  Last week I was dusting the photo's frame and gave it a hard
look and thought it might be postmortem.

Penny Ladnier, Owner
The Costume Gallery Websites,

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