On Sun, 1 Feb 2004, Ez-Aton wrote:

> time==money.
> Installing customizable setup means every desktop is to pass a whole series of
> adding/removing packages, according to the client's wishes.

I did not say we are going to use custmizable setup (how on earth did you
decide I said that from my message). I said we are going to use
default/minimal setup and give them the CDs.

Given that, your entire message is moot. And installing 5GB takes a lot of
time as we all witnessed during the last Installation Party. I don't want
to do it again.

BTW, my friend who is a newbie, had installed RedHat 9.0 on his own. The
Internet works, but otherwise he has tons of trouble and thing don't work.
I suggest we never install RedHat/Fedore again.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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