On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 10:05:20 +0100
Jacqui Caren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am also curious about how long members have been 'into' linux
> (or other computer technology).
> FYI: BD March 1960
> I started Poly 1988ish and remember working with "Autocode" at Poly!
> In those days 4K was a lot of memory, core was still being used
> in PDP's and Commodore Pets were still SOTA.

Hello Jacqui

I retired from work in 1984 and took home with me the OS/2 ver 2 system
I'd been using to administer a Novel network of 50 windows boxes. 

I continued using OS/2 for a few years upgrading versions for as
long as IBM supported SOHO users. 

I installed from a stack of floppy disks an early version of Linux
(Slackware?) when it became apparent that OS/2 didn't have much of a
future and liked what I found. 

I had no real knowledge of any MS system as my first intro to
computing was on Concurrent CP/M systems and I stayed with CP/M via
various Amstrad systems before I retired.

I then used a CD based Linux from a company in Southampton
whose name I forget, then used Redhat through to version 5.1, very
briefly tried Mandrake & SuSE but they all suffered from 'rpm hell'
or YAST. 

Someone in the LUG mentioned Debian as a 'solution' and I haven't
used anything else since. I have looked at some of the derivatives (on
live CDs) but haven't been tempted to stray from "the one true faith"  

As my sig suggests I rather like windowmaker

John Lewis
using Debian Sid with windowmaker for a nicer desktop

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