
I've been using SSH2 to log into my home server for so long I can't remember 
exactly what I did to set it up. Yesterday I added a new user to the server and 
I want then to be able to use SFTP. 

I created a new user and generated new new id_rsa and id_rsa.pub files (tried 
several variants of ssh-keygen -t rsa). I added the username to the AllowUsers 
directive in /etc/ssh/sshdconfig and copied the id_rsa file over to my laptop 
and put it in a new user's .ssh directory. 

If I try to log in using ssh ip.address.of.machine -p <port> -l username -v 
using the wrong username it goes through verifying the server's fingerprint 
then bombs, as expected, and an invalid login attempt is written to 
/var/log/auth.log. If I try with the correct username it goes through the 
process, the client offers the key then says which auth methods can continue 
before trying some more and failing. In this case, nothing gets written to 
/var/log/auth.log. My existing id_rsa for my own account still works. 

I'm sure I've done something silly. I think I regenerated all or most of the 
keys after the dodgy key panic last year. I would be really grateful for any 
pointers that might get me closer to the solution. 


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