On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 01:46:58AM -0800, Tim Henley wrote:
> I need to install DataBase interface Perl Modules DBI and DBD::mysql
> on my Debian Lenny based system but there are several packages with
> those terms in them and I can't work out which ones are the ones I
> need. I can download them from Cpan but I would rather pull them from
> the Debian repo if I can. Could somebody point me in the right
> direction please

Just install libdbd-mysql-perl which should pull in libdbi-perl (it
depends on it) and any other bits you need.

In Debian the convention is as follows:
Foo::Bar -> libfoo-bar-perl


oOoOo  "I'm tour guide Barbie!  Please keep your hands, arms and   oOoOo
 oOoOo    accessories inside the car and no flash photography,    oOoOo
  oOoOo                       thank you."                        oOoOo
          htag.pl 0.0.24 ::::::: http://www.earth.li/~huggie/

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