Isaac Close wrote:
> --- On Mon, 1/6/09, Jim Kissel <> wrote:
>>> Isaac Close wrote:
>>> The very next thing i'm going to do is install linux.
>> If Vodafone is messing with DNS to do the re-direct,
>> switching OS's will 
>> not alter the result.
> Yes I know.
> I was thinking more along the lines of creating a tunnel to a remote
location where access to my proxy and dns is availible. Thus all traffic
will be encrypted going to and from a familiar location.
> Oh and i'll be monitoring several aspects of the connection, i expect
> it to be a fairly flakey service.
Sounds like you have a good handle on what's needed for a work-around. 
If you find Voda service flaky, I can recommend 3.  Been with them for 
about 14 months, and a 15GBP/month contract for 3Gigs.  Good service if 
there is a signal.  Their initial set-up is a bit flaky.
Life is too short.

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