My mother is interested in putting together a family tree. In fact, she 
bought a cheap copy of "Family Historian", which is a Windows program, 
and entered some data. Happily this is stored in GEDCOM files which I 
understand is the most portable way to store it.

I've set her up with GRAMPS which seems fairly comprehensive but not as 
user-friendly as what she was using[1]. On the other hand, she didn't 
understand she was just entering records into a relational database, 
which lead to some craziness (like saving the different sides of our 
family into different files).

I was just wondering what is the state of the art in genealogy under 
Linux? How do I get her started? Are there online resources I can point 
her to?

As an aside, my mother complains a lot about Linux even when it does 
/exactly/ the same thing as equivalent Windows software. Linux is 
treating her extremely well, on the whole - it's fast, stable and 
secure, not to mention the availability of free, high quality software - 
but it has become a scapegoat for all the problems she has simply using 


[1] "This isn't the same software that I had. This is useless to me. I 
want my Family Historian back."

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