Anton Piatek wrote:
> For those that attended the Hants LUG meeting at Hursley on Saturday I
> would appreciate feedback on how the day went.
> Things that went well
> Things that could have been done better
> This should help improve any further meetings I run at Hursley

Many thanks for a very enjoyable day.  This was the first HantsLUG 
meeting I had been to, so I have little to compare it with.  The talks 
were all interesting, though some seemed to whizz by - will some of them 
make their way to the wiki?  Tony's talk on the structure of debian 
packages was particularly dense (in the information sense of the term) - 
I made some notes but they need some work before I can understand them!

The lunch break was very welcome, though next time (hope there is a next 
time!) another enforced beak in the proceedings might be an idea, to 
enhance the social side of such a meeting.  I came away not having had 
the chance to mingle and meet familiar names as much as I would have liked.

The location (apart from the sticking blinds in the auditorium) was 
superb.  To be honest, that was one of the main drivers for my going - I 
worked there for a year 26 years ago, and wanted to see how much it had 
changed.  The building I'd worked in (a 7-storey tower block, right next 
to the main house) has, unsurprisingly, gone, but the elderly scale 
model of the site near the lecture room showed it in all its glory.  The 
visit to the little museum was fascinating - I think the disk drive I'd 
been working on was one of the exhibits, along with the circuit boards 
we used (clever 4-layer jobs, with ground and +5v available at useful 
intervals across the board, just in the right place for the TTL chips we 
were using at the time).


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