On Sat, 2 Apr 2011 13:31:12 +0100
"Rob Malpass" <li...@getiton.myzen.co.uk> wrote:
> I know I know I should have done this years ago but I'm faced with a
> big geographical relocation and well over 200 VHS video tapes - all
> pretty full - to transfer to some PC video format.

I only have a dozen or so that I'd like to convert to CD

> If anyone has found a solution that works well - please let me
> know.   It seems, as VCRs are becoming harder to find, my time to do
> this massive job is running out!

My original VCR recorder died so I couldn't even play them, I then
found a machine in a local 'pawnbroker' that could transfer from tape
to CD but most of my home recorded tapes won't playback on the 'new'
machine as it seems to be running at a different speed to the original. 

So I can't offer idea that as a solution to your problem. 

And in fact I only have one tape I really want to keep as it is an
off-air recording of a BBC drama that I had a role in as a cycling
body-double for the star. I appear only fleetingly and no more than
two or three family members know where/when, but it was my one moment
of fame so I'd like to keep it!

John Lewis
using Debian sid 

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