
Thanks for the imput so far.

On Tue, Sep 20 at 11:29, Anton Piatek wrote:
> > > The option you are looking for is "keystone" iirc
> >
> > I think Bob's after a bit more than keystone correction; mapping onto a
> > 2-D curved surface isn't yer run-of-the-mill operation...

It's not PC hardware so nvidia is not an option anyway.  2-D curved surface
but keystone would cover the bulk of it I think.

Google threw up a few ideas eventually.  Use an Xvfb or Xmem headless server
to prepare a bitmap of the console image.  Then use the "real" Xserver to
display this bitmap via a texture mapping that does the distortion.

I know the processor in question has 3D acceleration to do the texture
mapping, but suspect the system hasn't got enough general ommph and ram to
run two X servers in such a tricky configuration.

Still thanks for the input.  I'll pass it on.
        Bob Dunlop

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