On Wed, 13 Feb 2013 16:31:53 +0000
Ally Biggs <bluechr...@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

Hello Ally,

>The problem with desktop Linux I think is when the shit hits the fan
>and something needs to be configured or a driver needs to be added your
>average user isn't going to want to sit typing commands in a terminal
>or spending hours finding the solution into a community. 

The /real/ (at least, IMO) problem is that nobody needs any
qualifications to be able to buy and/or use a computer.  I can think of
few, if any, equally complex pieces of technology that do not require
some sort of required learning.  Most often with a test of competence
that needs to be passed before one is allowed to go solo.  Cars,
aeroplanes, you name it...

Microsoft and their ilk like to hide the nuts and bolts of their systems
because it means a whole industry is created, purely to rectify the
horrendous cock-ups many of the computer illiterate unwashed will
perpetrate.  Computers are difficult.  GUIs just make it *look* simple.
Frankly, the worst thing to happen to computers was the WIMP interface.
At that point, it became inevitable that there would be shedloads or
morons running computers, most of whom I wouldn't trust to run their own

LUG (well, any computer group really) members are, of course, not in the
category I just outlined.  Group members are quite knowledgeable when it
comes to computers.  Some of them prodigiously so.  Many have particular
speciality skills too, which allows them to assist those that ask for
help when they become stuck.

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"
Life's short, don't make a mess of it
No Time To Be 21 - The Adverts

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