On Wednesday 27 Feb 2013 14:45:35 Richard Bensley wrote:
> +1 for GiffGaff

-1 for GiffGaff

I've actually been looking for a new provider recently. I want
a small number of calls (I used 14 minutes last 'month') and
unlimited data (or at least, a few GB) with tethering.

GiffGaff only allow tethering on their 1GB option. If you pay
extra for the expensive options, they don't allow tethering.

3 seem to be the same, only allowing tethering on their 1GB
deal, not on the unlimited data deals.

I only use tethering a few times a year, but I want it as an

Anyone know of anything suitable?

Be seeing you,        Games: http://www.glendale.org.uk/
Sam.                  Posts: http://www.google.com/profiles/samuel.penn

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