Truong Anh. Tuan a ?crit :
> N?u nh?c v? guidelines th? c?i n?o? Top-posting?
> C? l? ki?n ngh? lu?n HanoiLUG n?n b? c?i n?y v? nhi?u h? mail (nh? Zimbra 
> Desktop T ?ang d?ng ch?ng h?n) kh? b?t ti?n ?? ch?n ? m?nh v?o gi?a.
Answer: No!
Question: Should I put the answer before the question?

Doesn't it sound just logical to put things in order?

I don't know of any language where you read from bottom to top?
Even Japanese is frequently written in 3 ways but not this one!
May be such language exist but as far as I know reading from
bottom to top doesn't apply to neither Vietnamese nor English?

And, please, don't tell us it's better this way because of some
software, probably inspired by "The Well-Known Evil Software"?, is
doing the wrong way (against commonly accepted rules on Internet) !

Jean Christophe "????" ANDR?   ? ? ?   Responsable technique r?gional
Bureau Asie-Pacifique (BAP)    ? ? ?
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AuF)  ? ? ?
Adresse postale : AUF, 21 L? Th?nh T?ng, T.T. Ho?n Ki?m, H? N?i, Vi?t Nam
T?l. : +84 4 9331108  ?  Fax : +84 4 8247383  ?  Cellul. : +84 91 3248747
? Note personnelle: merci d'?viter de m'envoyer des fichiers PowerPoint ?
? ou Word, cf ?

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