binh at a ?crit :
> OOps JC,
> Our guys heard an alarm for this disruption.
Oops! As you say? Sorry for that? Next time I'll wait for working hours
and for somebody nearby ready to react before doing a reboot!

> Our new place is close to the old one, but not really easy to find, though 
> it's still inside the Academy campus.
> Please check with Phuong or ThaiLQ for getting to that place,
Th?i called me to get technical details and went at the console.

Virror is back online! Thanks a lot Th?i, it saves time!!

Jean Christophe "????" ANDR?   ? ? ?   Responsable technique r?gional
Bureau Asie-Pacifique (BAP)    ? ? ?
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AuF)  ? ? ?
Adresse postale : AUF, 21 L? Th?nh T?ng, T.T. Ho?n Ki?m, H? N?i, Vi?t Nam
T?l. : +84 4 9331108  ?  Fax : +84 4 8247383  ?  Cellul. : +84 91 3248747
? Note personnelle: merci d'?viter de m'envoyer des fichiers PowerPoint ?
? ou Word, cf ?

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