OOps JC,

Our guys heard an alarm for this disruption. Our new place is close to the
old one, but not really easy to find, though it's still inside the Academy

Please check with Phuong or ThaiLQ for getting to that place,

Cheers, Binh

>        Hi guys!
> Ok, I did it? First remote mistake? :-/
> I did a kernel upgrade for security reasons and then a reboot, but?
> Virror doesn't come back online after more than 25 min now? :-(
> I have no idea what the problem could be, since I did the same upgrade
> on every of my own servers at AuF and there was no problem at all?
> Could you please take a look at virror console and tell me what it shows?
> If required I'll come and see to manage this by myself.
> By the way, where is your new place now?
> Regards, J.C.
> --
> Jean Christophe "????" ANDR?   ? ? ?   Responsable
> technique r?gional
> Bureau Asie-Pacifique (BAP)    ? ? ?
> http://www.asie-pacifique.auf.org/
> Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AuF)  ? ? ?
> http://www.auf.org/
> Adresse postale : AUF, 21 L? Th?nh T?ng, T.T. Ho?n Ki?m, H? N?i,
> Vi?t Nam
> T?l. : +84 4 9331108  ?  Fax : +84 4 8247383  ?  Cellul. : +84 91
> 3248747
> ? Note personnelle: merci d'?viter de m'envoyer des fichiers PowerPoint
> ?
> ? ou Word, cf http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.fr.html
> ?

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