Le 2011-05-28 11:53 +0700, Nguyen Vu Hung (VNC) a écrit :
> Serge has poked me an idea that, HanoiLug is not a place for *only*
> Linux anymore.
> As we can see, Hanoilug is a community about open source,
> open content and something I should say "an open movement".

Is it really a new idea?

We have always been saying, I mean for years (we would find proof of
it in our archives if that was asked), that HanoiLUG is open to every
subjects around and beyond Linux, especially free/libre/open matters
(everything except sensible political subjects involving criticisms
of the Vietnamese government).

That being said, I totally disagree with the recent discussion about
changing its name. HanoiLUG is and shall keep being HanoiLUG.

If people want to create another list with another name (like ict-vn,
is it as successful?) so be it (I mean: I won't fight against this
freedom), but I'll keep HanoiLUG running as it is.

Still, I may host (create and maintain technically, but not manage)
that other-more-general-list on the HanoiLUG server if that was
something people wanted/asked for.

Jean Christophe ANDRÉ  —  Coordonnateur des infrastructures techniques
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)  —   http://www.auf.org/
✉ : AUF, 21 Lê Thánh Tông, T.T. Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
℡ : +84 4 38247382  ✦  ℻ : +84 4 38247383  ✦  Cellul. : +84 91 3248747
⎧Note personnelle: merci d'éviter de m'envoyer des fichiers Microsoft⎫
⎩Office, cf http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments        ⎭
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HanoiLUG mailing lists: http://lists.hanoilug.org/
HanoiLUG wiki: http://wiki.hanoilug.org/
HanoiLUG blog: http://blog.hanoilug.org/

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