On Sat, Sep 24, 2011 at 11:23:07AM +0000, DerekLiao wrote:
> is it possible to get detail rewrite infomation like apache error log does?

No, what haproxy logs is what it *receives*. That's why we're asking
for what is seen on the other side.

> tcpdump, little bit diffcult ,too much taffice need to analyse

You don't need to let it run for minutes, just a few seconds during a click.

Alternatively you can try to add a second rule after it to block the
rewritten request. If you see that the request is blocked, then you can
conclude it was properly rewritten :

    reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /kaijiang(/.*)     \1\ /result_aaa\2
    reqdeny ^([^\ ]*)\ /result_aaa

BTW, we're all assuming that you have appropriately set "option httpclose"
or "option http-server-close" so that all requests are rewritten, not only
the first one. You might want to double-check.


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