I've checked the values Willy posted on the haproxy page. All my hardware configurations should meet the needs of haproxy. Still I have major performance problems. How do I best find out why? The logs tell me not nearly anything I neec to now to fix that problems. Since I use vm's to try haproxy, I'm able to change some specifics in case I need to.
My Hardware assigned to the vm's is:

Two cores: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3430 @ 2.40GHz
512 MB Ram

The second problem I have is, as I posted before, down reportings for my backend server which are definitly not down. I've run those servers on DNS RR before where each server could handle at least 700 sessions http connections. Right now in use with haproxy every server only can keep 300 - 400. Seems strange to me.
Thank you for any help you can give me.

Best regards

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