I've changed nbproc to 1 now, as I did change the httpclose option, it seems to help a little.
The adserver.adworxs.net backends are physical servers.
The adserver.dev.adworxs.net backends are vm's.
There are four physical NICs used by the vsphere server.


On 12.02.2012 14:42, Baptiste wrote:
Your nbproc is still 2.
You should turn it to 1.
You should also remove the option httpclose, replacing it by option
It will save some packets on the client side.
Are the backend servers VMs too?
Are they hosted on the same vsphere server?
How many physical network cards are used by your vsphere server?

Vsphere won't bother about bandwith usage, but small packets is very
hard for a Virtualized infrastrcuture to handle.

Like Cyril, I have no experience in running HAProxy on FreeBSD. To be
honest, I've not touched any FreeBSD since 5.4 :)



Sebastian Fohler
Far-Galaxy Networks
Web: http://www.far-galaxy.de
Tel.: +49 (0)173 8796211
E-Mail: i...@far-galaxy.de

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