Thanks guys,
yeah i read more about the http keepalive and figured that using option 
http-server-close would be advisable for performance/concurrency sake..

Thanks again..

 From: Baptiste <>
To: Lukas Tribus <> 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 3:35 AM
Subject: Re: major performance decrease in total throughput with HAproxy 1.4.20

To summary, with httpclose, you have around 100 rps.
With no option, you get 2K rps (which means your servers can do http
when you enable option http-server-close only, you have also 2K rps,
because HAProxy does HTTP keepalive on the server side.

2 options:
1. there is a magic setup in JMETER which allows a maximum of 100
connections opened per bench
(have a look at the concurrent pool size and tell us if its value, if any).
2. since you're in a virtual environment, when you disable keepalives
on the client side, you're doing a lot of network exchange with very
small packets, which is the worst case for any hypervisors.
Have a look at the latest graph on this page, which shows the
performance loss of each virtual network layer available on the market


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