On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Amol <mandm_z...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> so i have about 6 app servers running apache and 1 load balancer running
> haproxy 1.4.10
> the issue i see lately is that even if one of the app server is having
> issues such as running out of memory or disk space etc..the load balancer
> keeps send the traffic to that app server
> should it not detect if the app server is unreachable or not responding
> then do not send traffic to the server?
> here is snippet of my configuration
> global
> log local0
> log local1 notice
> maxconn 20000
> ulimit-n 65536
> user haproxy
> group haproxy
> daemon
>         stats socket /var/run/haproxy/haproxy.sock mode 0600 level admin
> defaults
> log global
> option tcplog
> option dontlognull
> retries 3
> option redispatch
> option http-server-close
> timeout connect 5s
> timeout client  180s
> timeout server  180s
> listen webcluster xx.xx.xx.38:80
>         mode http
>         stats enable
> stats hide-version
>         stats auth admin:admin4prod2
> stats uri  /admin?stats
>         balance source
> cookie BALANCEID insert indirect nocache
>         option httclose
>         option forwardfor except
>         option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
>         server app1 zz.zz.54.59:80  cookie A check
>         server app2 zz.zz.47.148:80 cookie B check
>         server app3 zz.zz.56.172:80 cookie C check
>         server app4 zz.zz.60.110:80 cookie D check
>     server app5 zz.zz.58.15:80 cookie E check
>         server app6 zz.zz.37.134:80 cookie F check
> listen domain_cluster_https zz.zz.42.188:8000
>     mode http
>     balance roundrobin
>     cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
>     option httclose
>     option httpchk HEAD /check.txt HTTP/1.0
>     option forwardfor except zz.zz.42.188
>     server app1 zz.zz.54.59:80 cookie s1 weight 1 maxconn 5000 check
>     server app2 zz.zz.47.148:80 cookie s2 weight 1 maxconn 5000 check
>     server app3 zz.zz.56.172:80 cookie s3 weight 1 maxconn 5000 check
>     server app4 zz.zz.60.110:80 cookie s4 weight 1 maxconn 5000 check
>     server app5 zz.zz.58.15:80 cookie s5 weight 1 maxconn 5000 check
>     server app6 zz.zz.37.134:80 cookie s6 weight 1 maxconn 5000 check
>     acl trusted_source src
>     reqidel ^Server-Protocol:
> i was under the impression that haproxy would check for the check.txt
> (highlighted in red) file which i have placed on the webroot of the server
> /var/www/check.txt (its and empty file)
> so this morning when app4 was running out of memory, i heard from users
> that they were getting connection timeouts..??
> any thing i need to change in the configuration?

I would guess that the Apache instances were continuing to serve the
check.txt file...

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