ok i got the point since the check.txt was an empty file and wasn't actually 
doing any specific task on the server, it kept responding with may be an http 
200 message

so instead if i have a file like check.php which has <?php echo "i"m healthy"; 
then it would run this and wait for the response on every health check

i think the key as you said is not to have a very taxing health check but at 
the same time having something in place instead of a blank file

my main focus to solve is when apache runs out of memory and exhausts its 
stipulated 150 processes, then the next connection to that server for php 
request would timeout..hence i am not looking at making db connection from all 
server for every single health check..is that correct thought?

 From: Jonathan Matthews <cont...@jpluscplusm.com>
To: Amol <mandm_z...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: haproxy 1.4.10 and apache 2.2 re-routing issues
On 11 February 2013 16:25, Amol <mandm_z...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> so i have about 6 app servers running apache and 1 load balancer running
> haproxy 1.4.10

[ Think about upgrading. You're running a 2.5 year-old version of the
stable branch. ]

> the issue i see lately is that even if one of the app server is having
> issues such as running out of memory or disk space etc..the load balancer
> keeps send the traffic to that app server
> should it not detect if the app server is unreachable or not responding then
> do not send traffic to the server?

If your server is responding with an HTTP 200 for the check.txt file,
then the server will be considered "up" as far as HAProxy is

I suggest you should make the backend requests for your check URI run
code and check states that your application server will rely on for
normal requests.

In your situation, unless you're running a static-file-from-disk
download service, this doesn't look like it's the case. I can easily
imagine your backends serving check.txt from page cache whilst
*actual* requests, which make DB requests / run code / call out to
other services, are timing out. Whether that's from resource
contention, IO starvation, network constraints or whatever it might be
- it doesn't matter. If you make your check page rely on those same
resources, then HAProxy will take a backend server out of rotation at
the same time that normal requests start failing.

Of course, your check page can skip the "boring" parts of normal page
rendering, like wrapping it up into HTML and putting correct image
links in. Or can it? What happens if you, say, upgrade an
HTML-generation library on one machine as a test? Personally, I'd
*want* the check page to fail at that point.

The art of making a really good service check page is an interesting
one. Too much detail or overhead, and you lose the granularity of
making HAProxy confirm a backend is up every, say, couple of seconds
(that's how long I like to configure). Too /little/ detail, and you
may carry on serving an HTTP 200 for the check page when the rest of
the server is broken. It totally comes down to your judgement, and the
operational trade-offs you and the business around you need to make.

Jonathan Matthews // Oxford, London, UK

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