
I am trying to configure an HAProxy And seem to be running into a problem
where the HAProxy will spike.  I have a high throughput server cluster,
which will need to handle about 10-20k QPS.  I believe that HAProxy should
be able to handle that quite easily from what I have read.  I am running
HAProxy on Ubuntu 12.04LTS.  I am running an a Xeon 1270, with 8GB of
RAM(Which i believe is all overkill).  I am doing a simple load balance
between two or three servers(I have two server clusters, one with two
servers, one with three).  I am running 1.4.24.

The reason I believe something is wrong with my haproxy is because I can
refresh my webpage a few times, and every 4-5 times I will be get a spike
around 800ms-3sec to resolve.  This also happens when not hitting my
backend server, and instead hitting the HAProxy stats page.  None of my
servers are anywhere close to using up their system resources(all below 20%
in both memory and CPU).  I don't see much in the syslog that seems wrong
other than this message:

Oct 10 16:48:28 haproxy rsyslogd-2177: imuxsock begins to drop message 3912
due to rate-limiting

I believe that has to do with the logging not being able to keep up, rather
than haproxy dropping packets.

I was wondering if  there were any suggestions for me to look into to try
and fix my problem, or suggest how to configure a HAProxy correctly to be
able to handle the load I need(preferably higher than the load I need, as
this may increase over time).  I am open to changing operating systems if
need be as well.

Here are my two config files:

       log /dev/log   local0 info
       log /dev/log   local0 notice
       maxconn 50000
       user y
       group y

       log     global
       mode    http
       option  httplog
       option  dontlognull
       option  forwardfor
       retries 3
       option redispatch
       option http-server-close
       maxconn 30000
       contimeout      10000
       clitimeout      50000
       srvtimeout      50000
       balance leastconn

listen  c_cluster
        maxconn 30000
        server  c1 maxconn 10000
        server  c2 maxconn 10000
        server  c3 maxconn 10000
listen  stats :8888
        mode http
        stats enable
        stats hide-version
        stats uri /


# this config needs haproxy-1.1.28 or haproxy-1.2.1
       log /dev/log   local0 info
       log /dev/log   local0 notice
       maxconn 20000
       user y
       group y

       log     global
       mode    http
       option  httplog
       option  dontlognull
       option  forwardfor
       retries 3
       option redispatch
       option http-server-close
       maxconn 20000
       contimeout      10000
       clitimeout      50000
       srvtimeout      50000
       balance leastconn

listen  a_cluster
        maxconn 20000
        server  a1 maxconn 10000
        server  a2 maxconn 10000
listen  stats :8888
        mode http
        stats enable
        stats hide-version
        stats uri /

My sysctl.conf has the following changes:

fs.file-max = 1000000
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1

Thank you,


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