On 4/30/2015 1:03 PM, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
> On 30/04/2015 08:31 μμ, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>> I definitely DO want this kind of console notification if one of the
>> production backends has no server available, but I don't want the
>> interruption for staging or dev.  If a config option to reduce the
>> severity of the "no server available" notification on an individual
>> backend isn't available currently, can one be added?
> Just disable health checking for those backends.

There are a couple of reasons that I include dev/staging sites in the
haproxy config.

1) It ensures that haproxy is *always* part of the equation, since it
will be part of the equation when the code is in production.  Site
behavior might change in subtle ways if we don't connect in exactly the
same way for dev, staging, and production.

2) I need to verify that health checks actually work.

If health checks are disabled on my dev/staging back ends, then I can't
verify that those health checks actually work unless we deploy the new
website code to a production server, which defeats part of the purpose
of having a staging server in the first place.

One thing that I can do is increase the "fall" parameter for checks on
the dedicated dev/staging servers, but there's a downside: haproxy won't
notice that a server is down very quickly.  I don't mind that haproxy
*logs* the server going down and the entire backend being unavailable
... in fact, that's a good thing ... I just don't want to see it on the
console or in ssh sessions.  A message that's logged to the console
implies that there's a problem requiring immediate attention.  A dev
server rebooting does NOT require immediate attention.


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