> How do you do ? :)

I do :)

> Anyway my concern is more about changing dynamically parameters, by fetching
> a source at regular intervals (api) than about kubernetes itself.

Ok, this is important to know :)

> Actually, i only have one need currently : the list of servers part of a 
> backend.
> This is the only thing i want to change dinamically, the other parameters
> can be set on startup.


> When the server is configured for the first time i use Ansible to fetch the
> api and retrieve the necessary information.

euh, I'm lost here, could you details who does what exactly???

> I look forward to the new way to acheive that.

So the way we thought for now is using DNS SRV query types.
That said it implies a partial reachitecture of the way the 'backend'
currently works in HAProxy.

We'll start the discussion about the points above later in October,
when the load generated by 1.6 release will be lower.


> Regards,
> Smana
> 2015-09-18 13:31 GMT+02:00 Baptiste <bed...@gmail.com>:
>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 10:49 AM, Smain Kahlouch <smain...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hello all,
>> >
>> > I guess this question has been posted many times but maybe there is some
>> > new
>> > way to achieve this.
>> >
>> > I'm currently testing kubernetes with calico and i configured a fixed
>> > loadbalancing using "NodePort" kubernetes loadbalancing.
>> >
>> > But i wanted to bypass that second kubernete's internal loadbalancing.
>> > The idea would be to loadbalance directly to the pods instead of a
>> > kubernetes service address.
>> > To do so i found the vulcan loadbalancer which seems to be well suited
>> > for
>> > dynamic configuration. This documentation describes how it works.
>> >
>> > Is there a way to achieve the same behaviour : listen the api and change
>> > backends dynamically ?
>> >
>> > Thanks for your help,
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Smana
>> >
>> Hey Smaine,
>> I'm totally lost with all you buzz keywords!
>> there is no way currently to achieve this purpose.
>> That said, we're aware of this type of requirements and are thinking
>> about different methods to achieve this goal.
>> That said, could you please list here what HAProxy's parameters you
>> would like to see dynamically changeable at run time?
>> Baptiste

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