Hi !

Sorry to bother you again with this question, but still i think it would be
a great feature to loadbalance directly to pods from haproxy :)
Is there any news on the roadmap about that ?


2015-09-22 20:21 GMT+02:00 Joseph Lynch <joe.e.ly...@gmail.com>:

> Disclaimer: I help maintain SmartStack and this is a shameless plug
> You can also achieve a fast and reliable dynamic backend system by
> using something off the shelf like airbnb/Yelp SmartStack
> (http://nerds.airbnb.com/smartstack-service-discovery-cloud/).
> Basically there is nerve that runs on every machine healthchecking
> services, and once they pass healthchecks they get registered in a
> centralized registration system which is pluggable (zookeeper is the
> default but DNS is another option, and we're working on DNS SRV
> support). Then there is synapse which runs on every client machine and
> handles re-configuring HAProxy for you automatically, handling details
> like doing socket updates vs reloading HAProxy correctly. To make this
> truly reliable on some systems you have to do some tricks to
> gracefully reload HAProxy for picking up new backends; search for zero
> downtime haproxy reloads to see how we solved it, but there are lots
> of solutions.
> We use this stack at Yelp to achieve the same kind of dynamic load
> balancing you're talking about except instead of kubernetes we use
> mesos and marathon. The one real trick here is to use a link local IP
> address and run the HAProxy/Synapse instances on the machines
> themselves but have containers talk over the link local IP address. I
> haven't tried it with kubernetes but given my understanding you'd end
> up with the same problem.
> We plan to automatically support whichever DNS or stats socket based
> solution the HAProxy devs go with for dynamic backend changes.
> -Joey
> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 8:34 AM, Eduard Martinescu
> <emartine...@salsalabs.com> wrote:
> > I have implemented something similar to allow use to dynamically
> > load-balance between multiple backends that are all joined to each other
> as
> > part of a Hazelcast cluster.  All of which is running in an AWS VPC, with
> > autoscaling groups to control spin up and down of new members of the
> cluster
> > based on load, etc.
> >
> > What we ended up doing is righting custom code that attached to the
> > hazelcast cluster as a client, and periodically queried the cluster for
> the
> > current list of servers, and their IP addresses.  The coded would then
> > rewrite the HAProxy configuration, filling in the correct backend list.
> > Then via a shell call (sadly, Java can't do Unix domain sockets to write
> > directly to the server), it would tell HAProxy to restart gracefully.
> >
> > In our use case, this works great, as we don't have long-running TCP
> > connections (these servers typically serve REST API calls or static HTML
> > content with no keep-alive.)
> >
> > I'm also open to suggestions on how this could be improved too,
> especially
> > with 1.6 possibly.
> >
> > Ed
> >
> > ________________________________
> > ✉ Eduard Martinescu | ✆ (585) 708-9685 |  - ignite action. fuel change.
> >
> > On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 9:21 AM, Baptiste <bed...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 3:18 PM, Smain Kahlouch <smain...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> >> If I may chime in here: Kubernetes supports service discovery through
> >> >> DNS
> >> >> SRV records for most use-cases, so the dynamic DNS support that
> >> >> Baptiste
> >> >> is
> >> >> currently working on would be a perfect fit. No special API support
> >> >> required.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > Well dns would be great but, as far as i know, kubernetes uses dns
> only
> >> > for
> >> > services name, not for pods.
> >> > A pod can be seen as a server in a backend, the number of servers and
> >> > their
> >> > ip addresses can change frequently.
> >> > I'll dig further...
> >> >
> >> > Thanks,
> >> > Smana
> >>
> >>
> >> That's usually the purpose of DNS SRV records ;)
> >>
> >> Baptiste
> >>
> >

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