SmartStack was mentioned earlier in the thread.  It does a VERY good job of
doing this.  It rewrites the haproxy configuration and performs a reload
based on changes in a source database by a polling service on each
instance.  The canonical DB is zookeeper.

We have been using this in production for over 2 years and have had very
little trouble with it.  In the next year we will be moving to docker
containers and plan to make some changes to our configuration and move
forward with SmartStack.

That said, your polling application could write instructions to the stats
socket; however, it currently does not allow adding/removing servers but
only enabling/disabling.  See for more
info.  BTW, this section is missing from the 1.6 manual.  You might also

On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 7:42 AM Smain Kahlouch <> wrote:

> Sorry to answer to this thread so late :p
> due to the fact that this will be changed when the pod is recreated!
> Alexis, as i mentionned earlier the idea is to detect these changes by
> polling in a regular basis the API and change the backend configuration
> automatically.
> Using the DNS (addon) is not what i would like to achieve because it still
> uses kubernetes internal loadbalancing system.
> Furthermore it seems to me easier to use the NodePort,
> <>This is
> what i use today.
> Nginx Plus has now such feature :
>> With APIs – This method uses the NGINX Plus on-the-fly reconfiguration
>> API
>> <>
>> to add and remove entries for Kubernetes pods in the NGINX Plus
>> configuration, and the Kubernetes API to retrieve the IP addresses of the
>> pods. This method requires us to write some code, and we won’t discuss it
>> in depth here. For details, watch Kelsey Hightower’s webinar, Bringing
>> Kubernetes to the Edge with NGINX Plus
>> <>,
>> in which he explores the APIs and creates an application that utilizes them.
> Please let me know if you are considering this feature in the future.
> Alternatively perhaps you can guide me to propose a plugin. Actually
> python is the language i used to play with but maybe that's not possible.
> Regards,
> Smana
> 2016-02-25 18:29 GMT+01:00 Aleksandar Lazic <>:
>> Hi.
>> Am 25-02-2016 16:15, schrieb Smain Kahlouch:
>>> Hi !
>>> Sorry to bother you again with this question, but still i think it would
>>> be a great feature to loadbalance directly to pods from haproxy :)
>>> Is there any news on the roadmap about that ?
>> How about DNS as mentioned below?
>> ### oc rsh -c ng-socklog nginx-test-2-6em5w
>> cat /etc/resolv.conf
>> nameserver
>> nameserver
>> search nginx-test.svc.cluster.local svc.cluster.local cluster.local
>> options ndots:5
>> ping docker-registry.default.svc.cluster.local
>> ####
>> ####
>> oc describe svc docker-registry -n default
>> Name:                   docker-registry
>> Namespace:              default
>> Labels:                 docker-registry=default
>> Selector:               docker-registry=default
>> Type:                   ClusterIP
>> IP:           
>> Port:                   5000-tcp        5000/TCP
>> Endpoints:    
>> Session Affinity:       None
>> No events.
>> ####
>> Another option is that you startup script adds the A record into skydns
>> But I don't see benefit to conncect directly to the endpoint, due to the
>> fact that this will be changed when the pod is recreated!
>> BR Aleks
>> Regards,
>>> Smana
>>> 2015-09-22 20:21 GMT+02:00 Joseph Lynch <>:
>>> Disclaimer: I help maintain SmartStack and this is a shameless plug
>>>> You can also achieve a fast and reliable dynamic backend system by
>>>> using something off the shelf like airbnb/Yelp SmartStack
>>>> (
>>>> Basically there is nerve that runs on every machine healthchecking
>>>> services, and once they pass healthchecks they get registered in a
>>>> centralized registration system which is pluggable (zookeeper is the
>>>> default but DNS is another option, and we're working on DNS SRV
>>>> support). Then there is synapse which runs on every client machine and
>>>> handles re-configuring HAProxy for you automatically, handling details
>>>> like doing socket updates vs reloading HAProxy correctly. To make this
>>>> truly reliable on some systems you have to do some tricks to
>>>> gracefully reload HAProxy for picking up new backends; search for zero
>>>> downtime haproxy reloads to see how we solved it, but there are lots
>>>> of solutions.
>>>> We use this stack at Yelp to achieve the same kind of dynamic load
>>>> balancing you're talking about except instead of kubernetes we use
>>>> mesos and marathon. The one real trick here is to use a link local IP
>>>> address and run the HAProxy/Synapse instances on the machines
>>>> themselves but have containers talk over the link local IP address. I
>>>> haven't tried it with kubernetes but given my understanding you'd end
>>>> up with the same problem.
>>>> We plan to automatically support whichever DNS or stats socket based
>>>> solution the HAProxy devs go with for dynamic backend changes.
>>>> -Joey
>>>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 8:34 AM, Eduard Martinescu
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> I have implemented something similar to allow use to dynamically
>>>>> load-balance between multiple backends that are all joined to each
>>>> other as
>>>>> part of a Hazelcast cluster.  All of which is running in an AWS VPC,
>>>> with
>>>>> autoscaling groups to control spin up and down of new members of the
>>>> cluster
>>>>> based on load, etc.
>>>>> What we ended up doing is righting custom code that attached to the
>>>>> hazelcast cluster as a client, and periodically queried the cluster
>>>> for the
>>>>> current list of servers, and their IP addresses.  The coded would
>>>> then
>>>>> rewrite the HAProxy configuration, filling in the correct backend
>>>> list.
>>>>> Then via a shell call (sadly, Java can't do Unix domain sockets to
>>>> write
>>>>> directly to the server), it would tell HAProxy to restart
>>>> gracefully.
>>>>> In our use case, this works great, as we don't have long-running TCP
>>>>> connections (these servers typically serve REST API calls or static
>>>> HTML
>>>>> content with no keep-alive.)
>>>>> I'm also open to suggestions on how this could be improved too,
>>>> especially
>>>>> with 1.6 possibly.
>>>>> Ed
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> ✉ Eduard Martinescu | ✆ (585) 708-9685 [1] |  - ignite action.
>>>> fuel change.
>>>>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 9:21 AM, Baptiste <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 3:18 PM, Smain Kahlouch
>>>>> <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> If I may chime in here: Kubernetes supports service discovery
>>>>>>> through
>>>>> DNS
>>>>>>>> SRV records for most use-cases, so the dynamic DNS support that
>>>>>>>> Baptiste
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> currently working on would be a perfect fit. No special API
>>>>>>> support
>>>>> required.
>>>>>>> Well dns would be great but, as far as i know, kubernetes uses
>>>>>> dns only
>>>>> for
>>>>>>> services name, not for pods.
>>>>>>> A pod can be seen as a server in a backend, the number of servers
>>>>>> and
>>>>> their
>>>>>>> ip addresses can change frequently.
>>>>>>> I'll dig further...
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Smana
>>>>>> That's usually the purpose of DNS SRV records ;)
>>>>>> Baptiste
>>> Links:
>>> ------
>>> [1] tel:%28585%29%20708-9685

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