When cookie persistence is used, it seems that the status of the
servers in the backend is ignored in v1.8.1. I try marking as MAINT a
backend server for which my browser has been given a cookie but
subsequent requests still go to that server (as verified in the
stats). The same issue happens when I use a stick table.

I’ve included a simple example config where this happens at the
bottom. The exact same config in v1.7.9 gives the expected behaviour
that new requests are migrated to a different active backend server.

Any ideas?

Many thanks,

  mode http
  option redispatch
  retries 3
  timeout queue 20s
  timeout client 50s
  timeout connect 5s
  timeout server 50s

listen stats
  bind :1936
  stats enable
  stats uri /
  stats hide-version
  stats admin if TRUE

frontend main
  bind :9080
  default_backend main

backend main
  balance leastconn
  cookie SERVERID insert indirect nocache
  server server-1-google www.google.com:80 check cookie google
  server server-2-yahoo www.yahoo.com:80 check cookie yahoo

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