Hi all,

while looking at what fixes to backport into older versions, I noticed
that 1.4 hasn't received a single fix over the last two years and that
apparently nobody's complaining (I'm pretty confident that the vast
majority of recent bugs did not even impact it).

This branch is already tagged "critical fixes only" on the haproxy.org
page. What I'm wondering is very simple : is anyone still interested in
this version continuing to be maintained, given that it was released 8
years ago ? Do some distros still ship it ? With the quick growth of SSL
over the last year, I suspect it will not be found at the edge anymore,
but it's possible that some people use it internally.

I don't mind having to continue to maintain it, especially if it's just
a matter of a few days of work every two years. I'd just prefer to avoid
doing it just for glory :-)

So please simply voice in. Just a few "please keep it alive" will be
enough to convince me, otherwise I'll mark it unmaintained.


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