On 2 January 2018 at 15:12, Willy Tarreau <w...@1wt.eu> wrote:
> So please simply voice in. Just a few "please keep it alive" will be
> enough to convince me, otherwise I'll mark it unmaintained.

I don't use 1.4, but I do have a small reason to say please *do* mark
it as unmaintained.

The sustainability of haproxy is linked to the amount of work you (and
a /relatively/ small set of people) both have to do and want to do.
I would very much like it to continue happily, so I would vote to
reduce your mental load and to mark 1.4 as unmaintained.

Thank you for haproxy, and here's to a great 2018, with 1.8 and beyond :-)


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