
Thanks for the lucid explain, understood it now.

Anyway I find that haproxy slow down the requests to alive server when there is 
a server down.

Still take the test I made before,

ruby -run -ehttpd . -p8001 and ruby -run -ehttpd . -p8000 and i start haproxy 
then do a ab ab -n 20000 -c 10

So both ruby servers start to log requests, very fast(say 100 request per 
second), meaning that haproxy forwards request very fast.

Then I killed ruby 8001, the strange thing is that ruby 8000's log becomes very 
slow(say 10 requests per seconds) for a while.

I understand that there will be some check against 8001, but why it will slow 
down the request to 8000?

Why is that?


----- Original Message -----
>From: Lukas Tribus <lu...@ltri.eu>
>To: flamese...@yahoo.co.jp 
>Cc: "haproxy@formilux.org" <haproxy@formilux.org>; "cyril.bo...@free.fr" 
><cyril.bo...@free.fr>; "lu...@ltri.eu" <lu...@ltri.eu>
>Date: 2018/2/1, Thu 17:45
>Subject: Re: redispatch still cause error response
>On 1 February 2018 at 04:43,  <flamese...@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:
>> Thanks for reply, any plan to support this requirement?
>> If a backend server get killed when processing request, that haproxy
>> re-forwarad the request to another backend server?
>No, this is problematic for a number of reasons. First of all this can
>only be done for idempotent methods, and yet it could still trigger
>applications bugs. Then we would need to keep a copy of the request in
>memory, until we know for sure the response is "valid". Then we would
>need to validate the response, where every users wants something
>different. Some may ask to resend the request to another server on a
>404 response ...
>So no, I don't see how this can easily be achieved.

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