Hello Cyril,

Thanks a lot for the confirmation.

Le 16/12/2019 à 20:20, Cyril Bonté a écrit :
> Hi Artur,
> Le 16/12/2019 à 19:06, Artur a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> This is an extract of my frontend configuration working perfectly on
>> 2.0.11.
>> frontend wwws
>>          bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/server.pem alpn
>> h2,http/1.1
>>          mode http
>>          acl is_dev_qd hdr(host) -i dev.q.d dev.qs.d
>>          acl is_qd hdr(host) -i q.d qs.d www.q.d www.qs.d
>>          http-request replace-uri ^/PPDSlide/(.*) /d3/PPDSlide/\1 if
>> is_dev_qd
>>          http-request replace-uri ^/PPDSlide/(.*) /p3/PPDSlide/\1 if
>> is_qd
>>          ....
>> URLs like https://q.d/PPDSlide/testfile are correctly rewritten to
>> https://q.d/p3/PPDSlide/testfile and forwarded to the backend.
>> Once I switched to 2.1.1, haproxy no longer rewrites the URI and the
>> URIs remains unchanged while forwarded to the backend. I had to
>> downgrade to have the usual behaviour.
>> Is it a bug or something changed in normal haproxy behaviour with 2.1
>> release ?
> I can confirm the issue.
> It seems to happen with h2 requests only, since commit #30ee1efe67.
> haproxy normalizes the URI but replace-uri doesn't take into account
> this information. The fix should be easy for replace-uri (If someone
> wants to work on it, I won't have time this week).
> http://git.haproxy.org/?p=haproxy-2.1.git;a=commit;h=30ee1efe67
Best regards,

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