On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 11:34:03AM +0100, Artur wrote:
> For my current setup I tested set-path as suggested by Willy and it
> works fine with the following setup :
>         acl is_dev_qd hdr(host) -i dev.q.d dev.q.d
>         acl is_qd hdr(host) -i q.d qs.d www.q.d www.qs.d
>         acl is_ppds path_beg -i /PPDSlide/
>         http-request set-path /d3%[path] if is_ppds is_dev_question_direct
>         http-request set-path /p3%[path] if is_ppds is_question_direct
> While using replace-uri, my mistake was to blindly follow the official
> documentation examples.

You didn't make a mistake, it's just that the ecosystem evolves and that
what appeared as natural to everyone 10 years ago (i.e. URIs mostly start
with '/' unless you're in front of a proxy) is not true anymore in 2019.


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