
[removed Bindushree from Cc as we disgress from the main topic]

Am 16.04.20 um 11:44 schrieb Willy Tarreau:
>> seems, we need some musl or picolibc in CI.
>> beeing glibc dependent is dangerous
> It's not really glibc-dependent in that it's properly enclosed in ifdefs.
> But you'd be welcome to add musl if you find an easy way to do it. Please
> just avoid building a toolchain and musl on the fly for this, as this would
> eat a huge amount of resources on the CI infrastructure :-/
> FWIW musl seems to work OK here when building for linux-glibc-legacy.

Yes. HAProxy linked against Musl is smoke tested as part of the Docker
Official Images program, because the Alpine-based Docker images use Musl
as their libc. In fact you can even use TARGET=linux-glibc + USE_BACKTRACE=.

Make options are here:

Basic smoke test (Reverse Proxy to example.com) is here:

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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