
Am 29.07.20 um 18:58 schrieb Илья Шипицин:
> generally, there was an idea of keeping "developer velocity" as high as
> possible.
> i.e. to perform check in 3-5 min after the push.
> Github Actions allows 4 parallel builds (same as Travis CI), I thought of
> moving some builds to GH actions.
> also, that was a reason to move some rare configurations to "cron" trigger.
> Big matrix takes 30 min. It is not acceptable.

GitHub Actions allows 20 concurrent jobs:

And with self hosted runners (maybe HAProxy Technologies is willing to
sponsor some?) there is no limit.

Anyhow: The Workflow can be optimized for sure. It currently performs no
caching at all. But it still gets 1:45 minutes for a simple gcc build
with all feature flags and 3:09 minutes for gcc with a custom OpenSSL.
That's super fast. The Mac OS one is pretty slow, because all the VTest
tests keep timing out for some reason. It will be faster if the tests pass.

Overall the whole workflow shows as 8:10 minutes for me which is in "3
to 5 minute" territory if some optimizations are performed.

Best regards
Tim Düsterhus

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