
On Mon, 29 Mar 2021 at 20:54, Илья Шипицин <chipits...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Dear list,
>> >
>> > on browser load (html + js + css) I observe 80% of cpu spent on gzip.
>> > also, I observe that zlib is probably one of the slowest implementation
>> > my personal benchmark correlate with https://github.com/inikep/lzbench
>> >
>> > if so, should'n we switch to slz by default ? or am I missing something ?
>> There is no default.
>> zlib is optional.
>> slz is optional.
>> Haproxy is compiled with either zlib, slz or no compression library at all.
>> What specifically are you suggesting to change in the haproxy source tree?
> for example, docker image
> https://hub.docker.com/_/haproxy

So nothing we control directly.

Docker images, package repositories, etc. This means filing requests
at those places, convincing other people to switch from a well known
library to an unknown library that isn't even packaged yet in most
places, that those maintainers then have to support. I'm not sure how
realistic that is.

Like I said last year, this needs a marketing campaign:

What about the docker images from haproxytech? Are those zlib or slz
based? Perhaps that would be a better starting point?



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