On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 02:12:44PM -0300, Joao Morais wrote:
> > It's not a matter of first or second access. It's that the function
> > you used initially resulted in always allocating an entry for the
> > variable's name, causing some huge memory usage for those who were
> > using them like maps and performing random lookups there. In order
> > to avoid this, Tim added an extra argument saying that we're just
> > performing an opportunistic lookup and that the variable must not
> > be created if it does not exist.
> Afaics this is only an option for set_var()? Here is the doc:
>     TXN.set_var(TXN, var, value[, ifexist])
>     TXN.get_var(TXN, var)
>     http://www.arpalert.org/src/haproxy-lua-api/2.3/index.html
>     (link is broken from haproxy site, is the source versioned
>     somewhere so I can send a patch?)
> So lookups would still create variables, hence the "in the second run it
> works" - my second script (which reads) create the entry and my first script
> (which writes with ifexists true) can find it and update in the second run
> and beyond.

That looks really odd, but you're probably right :-(
I'll need to have a look at the code to check. Maybe get_var() also
needs that argument, or maybe there is something to check if a
variable exists, I don't know. But I don't like the way all of this
works in general. I think the creation of a variable on a lookup
only results from an internal API limitation that was quickly worked
around when variables were exposed to Lua, and that it's not too late
to fix it.


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