Hi Luke,

> Under some conditions (especially high request rate), H3 connections simply 
> stall. This appears to be more prevalent in some browsers than others (Safari 
> on iOS is the worst offender), and appears to coincide with high packet_loss 
> in `show quic`.

Out of curiosity, what version of HAProxy are you running?

I don’t have a magic answer but in 
https://github.com/haproxy/haproxy/issues/2095#issuecomment-1570547484 we’ve 
been looking at performance issues with H3/QUIC over time, and there’s a couple 
of workarounds currently relevant (~ from the comment linked), notably to use a 
short timeout connect (currently using 500ms here), and to comment out timeout 

I see you explicitly set per-connection socket ownership, which is definitely 
the right thing to do, but you should check that it is actually working « for 
real » and not silently disabled due to permissions somewhere inside the worker 
To do that, have a look at the output of ‘show fd’ and check that H3 conns 
aren’t all with fd=-1 (instead it should be a different positive fd number per 
H3 conn)

I’d definitely like to see the JSFiddle if there’s a trick to the kind of 
request affected to see if I can reproduce it on our nodes.


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