
So the .dbf's are created in d: while indexs .z01's are created
in the folder where these belong to. Now the question is why this
behavior ? Przemek ?

NetIO suggests that "root" of any server will never be allowed to
be accessed. Am I correct?

Anyhow, it appears that the NetIO protocol is very useful and is
working for Web IP's also, and is working smartly.

BTW I cannot access your server right now.
I had to leave for somewhere at the time you posted message.

d:\creative.ram and its subfolders are ok with me.

In your first test running netserver_os2.exe in d:\mydata no one .dbf
file were created and many .z* files were created in d:\mydata and not
in d:\mydata\data. Summary: 0 dbf, many .z* in wrong location

In your second test running netserver_os2.exe in d:\creative.ram many
.dbf files were created in d:\ and no one .z* files were created
No one files were created in d:\creative.ram and subdirectories
Summary: many dbf in wrong location, 0 .z*

Perhaps you have a conflict about where to create .dbf files and where
.z* files and/or is not working as you expected

I suggest you to start with a known behaviour as of netapplctn.prg where
location is stated ("net:data/_tst_") and then with your big system

d:\creative.ram remain clean, I created data directory on it so you can
test netapplctn.prg with different databases, and deleted previous .dbf
files in d:\

netserver_os2.exe is running now in d:\creative.ram\

New IP:

As explained before, you can use Clipxnet to browse content of your
database files using:
and information described in previous message

Question remain: How you created .dbf files in d:\ (root dir) when
netserver_os2.exe was running in d:\creative.ram\ ?

David Macias

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