
I did not run 2nd time in d:\creative.ram.
Just now I run. Everything seems fine but I cannot reach to
3rd screen. If you check the folders now, it must contain
.dbf and corressponding .z01 index files in
d:\creative.ram  | d:\creative.ram\caccomon .

.dbf are created in root still

Perhaps, as Przemek explained in recent message, is a matter of OS behaviour
Did you checked what you expected in local (LAN) tests ?

These are of root d:\ /od

17/09/09  4:05a            99      0 a---  V661TDC2.dbf
17/09/09  4:06a           682      0 a---  OG_87YTT.dbf
17/09/09  4:06a           579      0 a---  CHECKS.dbf
17/09/09  4:06a            99      0 a---  UHJICONA.dbf
17/09/09  4:06a            99      0 a---  CNF0H00A.dbf
17/09/09  4:07a            99      0 a---  ZXKJD444.dbf
17/09/09  4:07a           163      0 a---  OBKJN7Y7.dbf
17/09/09  4:07a           195      0 a---  VNB39PXG.dbf
17/09/09  4:07a           131      0 a---  PRHGT555.dbf
17/09/09  4:07a           483      0 a---  OXUJHGGF.dbf
17/09/09  4:07a            99      0 a---  CAL01046.dbf
17/09/09  4:07a            99      0 a---  CAL11046.dbf
17/09/09  4:07a           291      0 a---  OBNVCX32.dbf
17/09/09  4:08a           355      0 a---  BRWCON01.dbf
17/09/09  4:08a            99      0 a---  XSDE4231.dbf
17/09/09  4:08a            99      0 a---  CAL00046.dbf
17/09/09  4:08a           227      0 a---  OBGBN7TQ.dbf
17/09/09  4:09a            99      0 a---  GVCX213D.dbf
17/09/09  4:09a           387      0 a---  STD55432.dbf

and these for d:\creative.ram /s /od

Directory of D:\creative.ram

15/09/09  6:09a       904,221      0 a---  netserver_os2.exe
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  .
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  ..
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  cac00001
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  caccomon
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  sema
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  inet
17/09/09  1:08a         <DIR>      0 ----  data
17/09/09  4:02a         3,072      0 a---  V661TDC2.Z01
17/09/09  4:02a         3,072      0 a---  OG_87YTT.Z01
17/09/09  4:02a         4,608      0 a---  CHECKS.Z01
17/09/09  4:03a         3,072      0 a---  UHJICONA.Z01
17/09/09  4:04a         3,072      0 a---  CNF0H00A.Z01
17/09/09  4:04a         3,072      0 a---  ZXKJD444.Z01
17/09/09  4:04a         3,072      0 a---  OBKJN7Y7.Z01
17/09/09  4:04a         6,144      0 a---  VNB39PXG.Z01
17/09/09  4:05a         3,072      0 a---  PRHGT555.Z01
17/09/09  4:05a         4,608      0 a---  OXUJHGGF.Z01
17/09/09  4:07a         3,072      0 a---  CAL01046.Z01
17/09/09  4:07a         3,072      0 a---  CAL11046.Z01
17/09/09  4:07a         3,072      0 a---  OBNVCX32.Z01
17/09/09  4:08a         4,608      0 a---  BRWCON01.Z01
17/09/09  4:08a         3,072      0 a---  XSDE4231.Z01
17/09/09  4:08a         3,072      0 a---  CAL00046.Z01
17/09/09  4:08a         3,072      0 a---  OBGBN7TQ.Z01
17/09/09  4:09a         3,072      0 a---  GVCX213D.Z01
17/09/09  4:09a         3,072      0 a---  STD55432.Z01
       27 file(s)     970,269 bytes used

Directory of D:\creative.ram\cac00001

16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  .
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  ..
        2 file(s)           0 bytes used

Directory of D:\creative.ram\caccomon

16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  .
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  ..
17/09/09  4:08a            99      0 a---  ZX14240D.dbf
17/09/09  4:08a         3,072      0 a---  ZX14240D.Z01
17/09/09  4:09a         1,923      0 a---  VBGSVXXX.dbf
17/09/09  4:10a        10,752      0 a---  VBGSVXXX.Z01
        6 file(s)      15,846 bytes used

Directory of D:\creative.ram\sema

16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  .
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  ..
        2 file(s)           0 bytes used

Directory of D:\creative.ram\inet

16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  .
16/09/09  3:42a         <DIR>      0 ----  ..
        2 file(s)           0 bytes used

Directory of D:\creative.ram\data

17/09/09  1:08a         <DIR>      0 ----  .
17/09/09  1:08a         <DIR>      0 ----  ..

BTW which changelog you are using to build Harbour
and netserver.exe ? May be this is the reason as my client
exe is compiled withour DbRename() changes.

Just let me know and I do the corresponding change.

 * $Id: ChangeLog 12439 2009-09-08 09:13:47Z vszakats $
2009-09-08 11:13 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01

David Macias

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