is possible have a solution also for  harbour contrib
If i have undestrand right
I nedd an hbp file when use ace32.lib+rddads.lib + hbbmcdx.lib +hbmemio.lib
another when use only hbmemio.lib
another when use only hbbmcdx.lib
ecc ecc
Note that is only an example
i still prefer separate lib adding for hbmk2

You prefer .lib but you're seeking for a concept
which is already implemented and called .hbc.

.hbc will take care of setting up all .lib files,
include dir and whatnot for a given library (package),
so developers don't need to worry about the details.
They just have to use headers and functions without
any additional settings. If .lib files change, they
won't even notice. (like in case of hbqt, where the
recent split didn't mean any change in user environment,
since the .hbc fully covered the change)

[ Even better would be if even headers would be automatically
added to .prg files when a given package is being selected. ]

Or maybe I lost the track in this thread.


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